Greenwood Lodge Our Dream Boy, Pelle
Nederlands Jeugdkampioen
Keurmeester dhr. A. Zeppi (it) over Pelle
Masculine expression. Lovely eyes, well dark
Excellent topline. Correct front angulation and in rear.
Correct catfeet. Lovely temperament. Compact body. Correct ottertail.
Sound mover, with correct tail.
In nice condition of coat, nice undercoat.
Beautiful chocolate colour. Exellent body shape.
Geboren 10.06.2016
Heupen/Hips A
Ellebogen/Ellbows vrij/free
Geldig oogcertificaat
Prcd-PRA OptiGen Normaal/Clear
RD-OSD vrij
EIC Normaal/Clear
HNPK Normaal/Clear
CNM - DM - SD2 Normaal/Clear
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Moeder Greenwood Lodge Hi Class Lady